[Ekiga-devel-list] beta or -beta?


I have succeeded to create .deb packages of ptlib on my machine. I try now opal, afterwards ekiga. One of the bugs preventing the automatic generation is that, in ptlib/trunk, in one file the suffix of the library is 'beta', and in another is '-beta':

- make/common.mak:
    BUILD_TYPE:=$(strip $(subst \#define,,$(subst BUILD_TYPE,,\
$(subst AlphaCode,alpha,$(subst BetaCode,beta,$(subst ReleaseCode,.,\

- configure.ac and configure:
BUILD_TYPE=`cat ${PTLIBDIR}/version.h | grep BUILD_TYPE | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | sed 's/BetaCode/-beta/' | sed 's/AlphaCode/-alpha/' | sed 's/ReleaseCode/\./'`

Note the replacing of BetaCode with beta and -beta (the same for alpha).

As info, in opal configure* uses -beta, and there is no make/common.mak file.

Could you fix this bug please?  It really eases the deb building...

Eugen Dedu

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