Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] SRTP with Ekiga

On 9/29/06, Alexandre Passito <alexandre passito gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to know if somebody is working to put SRTP in Ekiga. If so, how is
the working going? I'd like to help in this task.

Craig Southeren is implementing SRTP in the OPAL library with the help
of libSRTP and I am implementing ZRTP (a protocol for SRTP key
negotiation). I also have a native SRTP implementation against an
older OPAL version lying around but it most likely won't be used.

Unfortunately I did not get much done during the last two weeks or so,
because I am currently occupied moving and other stuff related to
university (yea! :-)). I think I will have more time again in another
week or two, when things have calmed down.


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