Hi Damien, Am Sonntag, den 17.09.2006, 18:11 +0200 schrieb Damien Sandras: > Can you make a public announcement about the current status of the > builds at http://snapshots.seconix.com ? > > (Debian, Sources, Fedora, ...) short summary: we're back online with fresh Debian and Ubuntu snaps! ;) The little longer story for those interested: http://snapshots.ekiga.net/ (EU-Mirror) and http://snapshots.voxgratia.org/ (US-Mirror) should now both be alive and updated hourly again. The problem was that due to the lack of snapshots.gnomemeeting.net in DNS the sync script didn't find the host no more and thus was not able to sync. Further, Dapper updates had been queued till today due to the propagation script was not able to resolve the dependency from within dapper main as dapper-updates had shipped a newer libpango. This is also fixed now. Remains the problem with edgy and compilation of pwlib-cvs[1]. This one is something the MOTU will solve sooner or later I guess. Quite similarly building right now completes on neither sarge nor win32 in the snapshot buildd. Whoever feels like throwing decent patches at me is herewith warmly asked to do so(*). Logs for Sarge build problems would be along [2] and can be found in the log database for quite some versions already. The win32 build issues may already be discussed on the mailinglist and eventually I'll come round to catching up there too. Hope everybody with Sid, Etch and Dapper is now happily supported by new snapshots so that the testing can go on! -- Best regards, Kilian (*) preferred would be a debian-package of flavour "all" that does the cross-compiling by perusing a regular buildd environment. Yes, I know it's ugly, so spare us the flames. This mechanism would just ease the "packaging" really a lot. ;) [1]: http://stats.buildserver.net/fetch.php?&pkg=pwlib-cvs&ver=20061006-02-edgy.1&arch=i386&stamp=1160142571&file=log&as=raw [2]: http://stats.buildserver.net/fetch.php?&pkg=ekiga-cvs&ver=20061007-02-sarge.1&arch=i386&stamp=1160224262&file=log&as=raw
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