Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] new XVideo patch

Le mardi 21 novembre 2006 à 21:52 +0100, Matthias Schneider a écrit :


> However I do notice 2 points here:
> - why is the main ekiga window resizable? it wasnt int 2.0.3 and also many of the icons do appear
> sometimes in a rather strange fashion. also resizing this window would mean that I have to catch
> this event and reposition the XVWindow....

Because now we have a contacts list. In 3.00 we will even have status
information for the contacts in the list. So it was sort of mandatory...

> - I havent yet understood the reason for having the 2 frames around the video widget in gdk. This
> is calculated in gm_mw_create_pixbuf_with_frame. I could redo this calculations in order to get
> from the upper left edge of the video widget and get the video window coordinates but I do not
> know if this will be the final presentation. I also would like to ask, isnt the 
>   zframe = 
>     gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (frame,
>                              (int) ((picture_width + frame_border * 2) * (zoom * frame_ratio)),
>                              (int) ((picture_height + frame_border * 2) * (zoom * frame_ratio)),
>                              GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR);
> operation not a very  nasty (in means of cpu power) scaling operation that gets done every frame
> even if zoom = 1 when GDK performance shouldnt be hit that much? I know from experience that every
> scaling operation in software slows down more than the complexest of all codec... I personally
> dont like the double frame so much - however one effort to mitigate the performance issue may be
> to store a scaled version once the zoom factor/image size is changed or use a non-scaling approach
> for drawing the double-lined border... (Sorry I did not have time to test this, this is only me
> speaking from experience)

This is more a proof concept. The look is there, but the code needs to
be improved. I would display the frame on the first image, then display
images inside that frame.

Optimizing this is on my TODO since a long time (and on Jan's TODO too),
but we have had no time until now :(
 _      Damien Sandras
//\   Ekiga Softphone :
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