Re: Auto corrections

Ok, I few days back I asked what eastag changed when i reported it did automatic changes.

The response was basically unknown and easytag offered no log file, monitor, etc. to provide info on what it did.

To me, this is a seriously important omission in the design of the program...but, being a novice software engine for 40 years...what do I know. ;)

One recommendation was to do a diff on the file before and after.

Good idea! I did. So, FYI:

Since we're talking about music files, I first did a hex dump of both the before and after, then did a diff.

To begin with it apparently updates the ID3 tags with what it finds on line (didn't verify where it got the info, so this is a guess).

The next thing I noticed; it removes the original copyright notice.

It also ads the mp3gain info at the end of the file.


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