Re: Genre "N****punk"

That term seems to have a long history of discussion, and is indeed ridiculous (as many of the Winamp genres).
One question, though: How yould you suggest to handle music that is 
already tagged with genre ID 133?
hello easytag developers,

please remove the genre "N****punk" from the genre list of your
software. as that word is a pejorative and insulting term for black
people in german.

please see the first section of

which states

"Neger gilt heute allgemein als Schimpfwort und als abwertende,
rassistische Bezeichnung für schwarze Menschen."

which means in english:

"Negro today is widely recognized as an insult and as a derogatory and
racist term for black people."

this at least contradicts the opensource definition of the Open Source
Initiative (

thank you,
easytag-list mailing list
easytag-list gnome org

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