Re: EasyTAG 2.3.1 feedback


See comments in green...

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 2:45 PM, David King <amigadave amigadave com> wrote:
Hi Ran

On 2014-11-07 13:04, Ran Perry <therealranperry gmail com> wrote:
​Running 2.3.1 for couple of days on Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10.

Thanks for the testing!

1. Tagging is way slower than 2.2 when adding images.

I cannot reproduce that here, after trying with a large PNG image. Which image type are you adding? Is the slowdown during loading or saving?  There have been no significant changes to the picture loading and saving code since 2.2, so it would be good to figure out what the problem is here.

Files are jpg. around 150kb. 2.2 seems faster. This happens when saving.

2. The UI at the bottom has a black stripe - see image

That looks like a bug in your version of GTK+ or cairo, or a theming bug. I do not see this with GTK+ 3.14 or 3.15 using the Adwaita theme. Which GTK+ version are you using, and are you using the latest version of your GTK+ theme?

​Correct. That was a theme issue.​


3. The UI at the top right has a gap between the audio parameters and the
editing parameters​ (common) - see image

I just fixed that on master:

4. The selection between common and images has FLAC Vorbis Tag on the left
side - see image

Yes, that is expected (it is an action widget for the notebook). A margin is set on the label widget, so it should not be squashed up to the notebook tab as much as it is. However, this margin was not being applied, as the label was not inside a container. I have now added a box around the label on master, which ensures a margin of 6 pixels:

P.S. Waiting for dsf tagging....

I have been wading through the low-level tagging code recently, so I might take another look at this soon.


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