Hi Santtu On 2014-04-14 08:44, Santtu Lakkala <inz inz fi> wrote:
Sorry to spoil your fanfare, but I made a booboo. The C++ warning flag code had a slight copy-paste error, which makes at least the debian package not compile, because C++ compiler flags given at configure time are lost. (Compilation fails due to mixed -fPIE and non-fPIE compiler invocations)
I already fixed that in master and the easytag-2-2 branch: https://git.gnome.org/browse/easytag/commit/?id=5a73d051b844e8c8e01f0f8d51e8839e4de3bf1a The Debian package has that patch: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-multimedia/easytag.git;a=commitdiff;h=e0bdbc48ae6425d460f2e6082e5ea863c598c3e1I am not a Debian developer, so I am waiting for review and upload of the 2.2.0-1 package from someone on the multimedia team.
-- http://amigadave.com/
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