Re: Tag access with libtaginfo


On 2013-12-13 11:57, JM <interflug1 gmx net> wrote:
This library is called "libtaginfo" [1] and it provides full C bindings API for extended tag access.
Access to any media file type is handled in a similar way.

It is simple, fast, extendible, fully documented, covered with unit
tests and used by at least 2 media players atm (xnoise (vala) and pragha
The API is kept simple: File types are automatically determined by
extension, by mimetype or manually. See coding example below.
Optionally, string management can be enabled.

-> My question is: Could this could be interesting for usage in easytag?

The API looks OK, although it only seems to accept filenames, and as
EasyTAG is in the process of being ported to use GFile throughout, some alternative I/O callbacks would be needed, like those in vorbisfile:

Also, I will still be targeting Debian stable as the oldest supported distribution, so getting into (at least) backports would be a requirement.

Finally, as EasyTAG is making heavier use of GObject and GIO, I would rather port to a GObject API than a C wrapper for a C++ API (which I would then wrap with some GObject anyway), so libtaginfo does not seem like a great fit for EasyTAG.

Thanks, and good luck with the project


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