Re: [Easytag-mailing] EasyTAG for the Mac

On 8/21/12 8:06 PM, Kip Warner wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 15:09 +0200, MaSch wrote:
>> I see. I will try to get everything working with gtk3.
>> The SF github repo is still gtk2 ? So I should develop against this
>> repository ?
>> as mentioned here :
> That's probably not a bad idea. Sanntu's branch will eventually get
> merged into mainline and mainline's isn't ported yet.
great - I'll use that then. I'm almost done making my changes.

However I noticed that the changelog already mentions release 2.1.8
while autoconf and alike still all say 2.1.7 - is 2.1.8 already frozen ?
At least it isn't released as it isn't available on the download page ? ...

>> You are right. But because the app package includes a whole gtk binary
>> distribution with GPL v2 libs, I think we would be obliged to distribute
>> the libs sources on the same page - like I do on my page.
>> Perhaps I'm too careful on this one - but the way I understand the
>> legalese in GPL v2 that's how it should be.
> Why don't you include the needed runtimes all inside of the bundle? I
> think that is the kind of "batteries included" behaviour a mac user
> might expect?
Oh I do that, that was in fact the initial idea of the whole project.
To provide an easy-to-use - user friendly mac package with all the
batteries included ;-)
However I think if I distribute binary libs in the package - I'm obliged to
also distribute the source with it, e.g. on a webpage at the time of
download - or in the package - or a written offer ... to be able to
receive the source code from me with physical distribution (an offer
which I don't want to make).
Most people don't take the license that seriously, you see a lot of
binary gtk libs bundled with programs in a package (for windows and osx)
and no direct sources provided with the package - but I do.

>> So perhaps linking to my page is the easiest - at least for starters
>> (like it is done with the fink link).
> I can do that too, but you'll need to help me find the admin GUI for
> that as I looked already.
hmm I have no idea of the internals and the website structure provided
by sourceforge - aren't it probably some .php or .html files that can be
modified in an editor and then uploaded per ftp ?

Regards Marco

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