Re: [Easytag-mailing] UTF-8 problem


   Which version are you using, the last one 2.1?
Could you send me the content of the log file to know which encoding it is using (C:\Documents and Settings\user_login\Data aplikací\.easytag\easytag.log) Note that the current version of id3lib doesn't supports id3v2.4 tags. It is why the strings are displayed incorrectly...


Vladimír Jícha wrote, the 15/05/2007 19:26 :

I'm absolutely new to EasyTAG. I just downloaded this program yesterday because I was looking for a good tagging program running on Linux. So far I just tried the Windows version and ran into a couple of problems because of incorrectly read national characters.

The first problem appeared right after start of the program. In Czech localized Windows, the default path to store application settings is "C:\Documents and Settings\user_login\Data aplikací\". But EasyTAG isn't able to read the last letter "í" and displays it as "Ă". Even then if I open a directory (EasyTAG reads directory names correctly) and there are files with national characters in name, ­EasyTAG displays them incorrectly. Also it displays incorrectly the tags. But only sometimes. I found following behavior: If the tag is ID3 v2.3 with UTF-16, it is displayed correctly. If it is ID3 v2.4 (UTF-8), it is displayed incorrectly. Letters ž and š are replaced by šššŠŠŠŠa "square character" (sorry can't paste it here) in both ID3 tags and file names. I used mp3tag ( to write the tags. All other programs read them correctly.

I'll test it also on Linux and will let you know the results.

Best regards,

EasyTAG - Tag editor for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files
Jerome COUDERC <easytag gmail com>

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