Re: [Easytag-mailing] EasyTAG 0.31_gtk2.4_pre2 has been released!

Hi Jérôme

> 1) you should filter only jpeg and png files, when adding a new image


> 2) acording to the specifications, the description must have a maximum 
> length of 64 characters


> 3) the present popup menu have no sense here (over PictureEntry with 
> right mouse button). But to free the 2 lines of buttons, you can move 
> these functions (add, remove,...) in a new popup nemu

I think the "Add" and "Remove" buttons should be there. That's the way
the Gnome desktop background picture application works.

The "Save" and "Properties" buttons could go in the popup. Or maybe the
buttons could be made smaller and fit in one row? It's easier to use the
picture widget when the buttons are visible, I think.

> 4) The "picture area" should been displayed only for ID3 tag (ogg, flac 
> doesn't support them


> 5) allow to re-order the different pictures loaded with the mouse

OK. Extended drag and drop would be nice for this.

> 6) when saving an image : autofill an arbitrary file name with the 
> good extension


Two additional improvements:

7) Drag-and-drop from EasyTAG directly to Gimp and Nautilus.

8) Keep aspect ratio for the thumbnails. Images are currently always
   scaled to 96x96 pixels (square aspect ratio) which looks ugly with
   non-square images. (The actual picture saved in the ID3 tag is not
   scaled or modified in any way.)


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