[Easytag-mailing] easytag suggestions

The number one feature I'd like seen added to Easytag is taking the
excellent CDDB support that exists within it and making it more useable
in terms of being able to retag your mp3's.  Here's a good post about it
from last October which I agree with:

> From: Keith Adamson <keith@at...>
> CDDB support  
> 2002-10-27 08:53
> The CDDB support is great but it's sort of useless because you can't
> insert the CDDB tag one file at a time.  The "Apply" button wants to do
> all the files.
> I'd be great if we had a right-click pick selection on the list of
> tracks in the "Track Name/Time" window in the CDDB Search dialog
> that did "Tag and rename file using mask setting"

Philip Lowman <lowman uiuc edu>         Junior, Computer Engineering
2nd Trumpet, Marching Illini & Basketball Band
President, College Libertarians
Treasurer, Association of Computer Machinery
"Those who would give up essential liberties for temporary security,
deserve neither liberty nor security."
-- Benjamin Franklin

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