[Easytag-mailing] EasyTAG 0.27.1 has been released!


A new developping version of EasyTAG have been released today. This version merges the dreat work done by Artur Polaczynski to add support of APE tags for MusePack and Monkey's Audio files.

The packages are available from the habitual page

What is new (since 0.27) ?

    * Added support of APE tag for MusePack and Monkey's Audio files
      (thanks to Artur Polaczyñski),
    * Cast and pointers fixes for a clean compilation on 64bits platform
      (thanks to Philipp Thomas),
    * Fixed a bug when using "Open File With..." after renaming a file
      without reloading the directory (it was using the old filename),
    * Cleaning in the configure script (thanks to Philipp Thomas),
    * When loading files with id3 tags, it checks if it has the versions
      of tags specified in the preferences window,
    * Genre in ID3v2 tag : use only the string for an unknowm id3v1
    * Added the missing instruction "#include <errno.h>" in about.c that
      may produce compilation problems,
    * Dutch translation updated (thanks to Björn Olievier),
    * Polish translation updated (thanks to Artur Polaczyñski),
    * Czech translation updated (thanks to Milan Siebenburger),
    * German translation updated (thanks to Götz Waschk).


EasyTAG - Tag editor for MP3 and OGG files
Jerome COUDERC <j couderc ifrance com>

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