DVB-T visualization problem

Hi all!

I'm trying to use Gnome Dvb Daemon to watch DVB-T channels using Totem.

I'm able to search for the channels. I tried to view using the Totem
plug-in, but I cannot see anything..

I tried launching gnome-dvb-daemon from a terminal with "-d", but the
output doesn't help me much tu understand what's going on.

I tried to view with another players (Mplayer or VLC) I'm able to see
the channels using a channels.conf obtained with w_scan.

It's important for me to be able to watch TV with gnome-dvb-daemon
because I'm intending to adopt this package on Debina, that is orphaned
for some time ago.

P.S. I'm trying with the latest published version (0.2.10)

Best regards

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