Status of 3.0.0

Current SVN is now rapidly advancing to a usable program with all
transitions in place. The one area of missing functionality is
RecentItems which needs a transition away from libegg but the libegg
code itself has been disabled and will be removed once this transition
is done. The transition needs to be in two phases - there is a Date:
entry in the journal window that needs to be migrated to a GtkDateEntry
(supporting code has been derived - and therefore attributed - from
HomeBank (GPL-2+) and includes a genuine GtkCalendar drop down without
the overhead of having the entire calendar in the main window. That
code is somewhat working but needs testing. Then, the actual
RecentItems code needs to be implemented.

There are numerous changes to all translations - a lot of translations
have been removed due to the Glade->GtkBuilder transition and some
others have been tweaked. All the HTML tags in the old Glade code have
been removed so all those translation strings need updates. Drivel
currently needs 250 strings translated - 2.0.4 had over 300.

The program itself mostly works, there are gremlins in each of the
supported clients but that isn't particularly surprising given the
scale of the changes from 2.0.4. Testing would be appreciated - please
state which revision you built when giving feedback via the list or
via bugzilla (which remains at 

$ svn info | grep Revision

Once libegg has gone, I'll be implementing --enable-deprecations by
default (i.e. the option will be --ignore-deprecations) and enabling
-Werror so that all future compiler warnings become errors. I'll also
be adding a few specific compiler error warnings to make for cleaner
code overall.

I think we're a month or two from a string freeze to get all the
translations updated - so, once again, please note that drivel is a
SOURCEFORGE project and changes in or will
not be included into SourceForge SVN because the scale of the changes
will be too large.

I've also copied Todd's home page as a SourceForge website which will
be the new homepage for drivel:

svn co drivel 

Once the string freeze is under way, I'll update the screenshots on SF
as those have changed (only slightly).

Other changes include the removal of Edit|Cut etc. from the drivel
journal window menu because GtkSourceView2.0 handles undo, redo, cut,
copy and paste via a context menu.

If there are any links that need to be added to the new homepage, let
me know.


Neil Williams

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