logging in to blogger (blogger 2.0 interface)

I tried to blog (drivel 2.0.2 on ubuntu dapper) to blogger using the
atom/blogger 2 option, but all it tells me is:

Communication Error

There was a problem receiving information from the server.  Please try
again later.

I can login going to blogspot.com on a browser, but if I try (with the
browser) to go to https://www.blogger.com/atom it asks me for the
username and password and then complains that they're not valid.
Is there anything I can do?

I know I can use the blogger 1.0 interface, but if I can't title my
posts I may as well use the browser and be done with it...

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out: http://moranar.com.ar
ICQ: 4410132
MSN: moranar gmail com

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