Re: Development Ideas

On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 16:08 -0400, Todd Kulesza wrote:

> 1) Panel Applet - It would rock to have an applet in the GNOME Panel 
> that would handle the authentication stuff for Drivel.  When a user 
> clicks on it, up pops an editing window, instantly ready to go.

It's an interesting idea. Although, is it just a feature for the sake of
features? Would you have it replace the use of the notification tray if
the user was using it?

It might be fun to look at using libnotify to inform users of new blog
posts. It's pretty easy to do, I just don't have my account paid up so I
can't easily test it.

> 7) WYSIWYG Editing - I wouldn't want to eliminate the plain HTML editing 
> we have now, but a WYSIWYG mode would be cool.

GtkHTML remains the way to do this. These days I'm generally feeling
braver with Bonobo, I should give it another swing.

> As a side effect, I'd like to restructure the code to support 
> command-line posting.  This might be a big step in getting the Panel 
> Applet to work, as well.

The biggest thing that can help you in terms of getting support for a
panel applet, is not having any global state. All the state for an
instance of an applet is stored in structs that are passed around, never
globally. This is because applets are factories, so global data really
is global. That said, I don't think there are too many problems with
this that I remember in Drivel.


Davyd Madeley    

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