dogtail does not work

Hi, all,

I try to use dogtail to implement fedora installation test automation.The environment is Fedora 14 with gnome-desktop-2.32.0-2.fc14.x86_64.
I follows the following steps:

1. install ImageMagick
2. install rpm-python
3. install ElementTree
4. install AT-SPI
5. install dogtail
6. enable accessibility by run  gconftool-2 -s -t boolean /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true

I have checked atspi and accessibility, details is below:
#ps aux |grep registryd
myusername  2011  0.0  0.0  42444  3976 ?        S    15:14   0:00 /usr/libexec/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session
myusername  2112  0.0  0.0  42460  3972 ?        S    15:14   0:01 /usr/libexec/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session
root      3986  0.0  0.0 103380   828 pts/3    S+   16:29   0:00 grep --color=auto registryd

#gconftool-2 -g/desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility

ps aux |grep Xvfb
root      4070  0.0  0.0 103376   824 pts/3    S+   16:34   0:00 grep --color=auto Xvfb

After that, when I run my scripts, It always gives me the following error:

Creating logfile at /tmp/dogtail/logs/dvd_install_20110322-162415_debug ...
Error: AT-SPI's desktop is not visible. Do you have accessibility enabled?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 36, in <module>
    from anaconda import *
  File "/autoqa/tests/anaconda/", line 31, in <module>
    from dogtail import config as dt_cfg, procedural
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dogtail/", line 18, in <module>
    import tree
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dogtail/", line 1132, in <module>
    children = root.children
NameError: name 'root' is not defined

did I miss anything? Thanks for your help!

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