Re: dogtail-devel To activate a 'table cell'

Yoshihiko Yaegashi wrote:

I test the virt-manager with the dogtail.
I cannot make a 'table cell' activate.

In the following descriptions of the attached file,
because activate('Domain-0', roleName='table cell') doesn't activate,
"Open" button is not sensitive.

activate('Domain-0', roleName='table cell')
click('Open', roleName='push button')

Can I ask your advice on something?


Glad to see you're working on testing virt-manager with dogtail!

I'd suggest you try:
click('Domain-0', roleName='table cell', raw=True)
click('Open', roleName='push button')

To force an actual mouse event to be simulated, as opposed to just calling AT-SPI actions. Sometimes this is necessary as a workaround, and I've actually been thinking about making it the default in future versions of dogtail.


N.B. Please convert "localhost" into "your server name" within
the source code of the attached file.


#!/usr/bin/python from dogtail.procedural import * focus.application('gnome-panel') focus.frame('Top Panel') click('Applications', roleName='menu') click('Virtual Machine Manager', roleName='menu item') focus.application('') focus.dialog('Open connection') click('Connect', roleName='push button') focus.frame('Virtual Machine Manager (Xen: localhost)') activate('Domain-0', roleName='table cell') click('Open', roleName='push button') focus.frame('Domain-0 Virtual Machine Console') click('Virtual Machine', roleName='menu item') click('Close', roleName='menu item') focus.frame('Virtual Machine Manager (Xen: localhost)') click('File', roleName='menu item') click('Quit', roleName='menu item')

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