dogtail-devel Using Dogtail over remote X connection or VNC

is Dogtail able to work with applications that are statred from a remote host and displayed on the local one?

I tried the following and it didn't work:
export DISPLAY=server:1.0

gedit window shows up.
then tried the gedit-utf8 example - didn't work.
Started AT-SPI browser but it does not detect gedit.
A red dot with message "broken node" appeared in AT-SPI browser after clicking several times refresh, but I can not reproduce it again.

The server is a normal desktop workstation, running GNOME at the moment of test.

Do such features exist at the moment? I will want to start an application, display it on a remote host and run dogtail tests from the remote host.

I would suppose this is not a feature of Dogtail but a feature of the AT library. I am correct?

Any help or hints are welcome.
Thanks to all.

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