dogtail-devel question of dogtail -- inbox.doAction('activate')

Hi all,

I have a question of _inbox.doAction('activate')_ in script of evolution application.

In the 'Mail Folder Tree', expand the 'On this Computer' table cell, there is 'Inbox' table cell. Expand the account_name table cell, there is 'Inbox' table cell too. Code as below:

inbox = evo.findChildren(dogtail.predicate.GenericPredicate("Inbox", roleName="table cell"), recursive=True)

I tried to handle the 'Inbox' table cell of account_name. But the account_name, 'On this Computer', 'Inbox' of account_name, 'Inbox' of 'On this Computer' had the same ancestor 'Mail Folder Tree' table cell.

I used findAncerstor() method. But cann't find valuable roleName to differentiate the two widget.

Did anyone meet with the same question and how to deal with it? Thanks.


田妍/Tian Yan
Quality Engineer
Red Hat China
Tel: +86 10 6533 9346
Fax: +86 10 6533 9400
E-mail: tyan redhat com

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