dogtail-devel question of dogtail -- focus.text()

Hi all,

I have a question of focus.text() in my script.

For example: In one frame, there are 4 'text entry' widgets. Their 'Role
Name' was same as 'text' and they all had no 'Name' values. I used
focus.text() and focus.widget.text = "string" in the script to assign
one of 'text entry'. But I didn't know how I can focus next or third or
fourth 'text entry'? has some useful classes for making comparisons between
expected and actual values of strings. But I didn't debug successfully.
Did anyone meet with the same question and how to deal with it? Thanks.


田妍/Tian Yan
Quality Engineer
Red Hat China
Tel: +86 10 6533 9346
Fax: +86 10 6533 9400
E-mail: tyan redhat com

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