Re: Feedback on users/f-spot/0.8/


On Thu, 2017-05-04 at 20:02 +0200, J R van Zijl wrote:
I did not find this user guide very helpful.
Does f-spot use exif or Iptc to store information about a photo, or is this stored in a catalogue?
Does f-spot store the photos or cross reference to their original location?
Is there a pdf version of the user guide?

F-Spot is dead and has not seen any code changes for more than six
years and the docs likely won't ever see any improvements. I am
actually surprised it still runs and that some people still use it. :)

(Note that I have not been involved with F-Spot but am just one of the
people receiving feedback emails.)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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