Re: Python search path security issue


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> Josselin, please make sure that future security holes, however small are
> reported upstream as a matter of urgency.

 I contacted the original committer; I personally think it's a failure
 of the Debian GNOME Team and we should improve our process to make sure
 that we have one upstream bug for each patch we carry, but he insisted
 that I forward his apologies (attached).

Loïc Minier
--- Begin Message ---
When incorporating the patch for eog from Debian BTS[1], I overlooked
its potential influence and somewhat confused by the claim that python
2.6 doesn't suffer from this in [1], and then didn't forward the bug
upstream, which I should have.  Sorry for any inconvenience brought by
this, and I will be more careful in future bug triaging.


--- End Message ---

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