Re: Migration of dia-list to GNOME Discourse instance

On Tue, 2020-10-20 at 07:19 -0400, Michael Ross via dia-list wrote:
This is certainly, a surprise. No ongoing discussion, just here you go, live with it.

Note Olav's wording: The proposed closure

It's not a case of "this is going to happen fullstop" but rather "this will happen if nobody objects", it's worth
noting Olav has been doing a lot of the leg work in the GNOME wide initiative to migrate so of course doesn't
know every community.

The move began with gtk (one of the more active lists) some time ago but of course the average dia-list reader
may not have been aware of this which is unfortunate

I have been replying to newbie emails here for at least 15 years

🎉 thanks for your contributions, I do hope we can keep you around for another 15

It caters to new, younger users, rather than to established power users

IMO that's a good thing, clearly established users are important but that doesn't mean we shouldn't make efforts
to attract new people

Making Discourse an "opt in" further ensures a loss of old knowledge.

Not sure what your saying here?

Within reason (and as Olav kinda implied) we can plead the 'ol grandfather-rights style "Dia is old and a little weird" 
since we are a fairly low activity list


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