Re: Database diagram to PostgreSQL - python script

Yes, I wrote a python plugin a couple of years ago that does a similar kind of thing and it’s still in use for research and teaching my students.

Dr Rob Wortham
r h wortham gmail com
T: @RobWortham

On 7 Jan 2020, at 21:17, Zander Brown <zbrown gnome org> wrote:

Oh wow that looks neat

So people are actively writing python plugins? Interesting to know

Unfortunately as discussed previously we're going to have to break that API at somepoint (if nothing else to port to Py3)

Zander Brown <zbrown gnome org>

GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview, Colour Palette)
GNOME Clocks
Dia Diagram Editor
King's Cross / KGX

On Mon, 2020-01-06 at 09:48 +0200, Amotz Getzov via dia-list wrote:

Hello all,

Thanks for Dia! Love using it.

I've created a plugin to export DB diagrams to Postgres SQL create script.

It is tested only with the specific diagram I needed it for (for a project at work). The censored diagram screenshot attached.

It use the Reference shape handle connections for table one-many and one-one relations. It use the Attribute compound for multi-column keys.

It contains some class for abstraction of database diagrams, and might be used for, or as an example for, writing other DB exporters and plugins.

Can be found at



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