Hello Support Team, First of all, thanks to all people who have developed Dia Diagramming tool. I use it in my classes as a flowchart/UML diagramming tool. I am looking for animating flowchart and UML diagrams as some students are visual learner and prefer diagrams rather than pseudocodes.
I use jQuery, _javascript_ for animating pseudocodes. However, I have had some problems animating flowchart and UML diagrams. I am working on it. I use bxSlider as an image slider to animate flowcharts. It works fine if I take a photo of
my flowcharts but when I export flowcharts as jpeg files, it does not work. Any help is appreciated. But it came to my mind that if Dia can provide features to animate diagrams, it could be very beneficial. If you rely this suggestion to the development team, I really appreciate. Thanks & Regards, Ali Alireza Fazelpour, Ph.D. Professor III Computer Science and Information Technology (MS #49) Palm Beach State College 4200 Congress Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33461 Ph: 561-868-3220|Fax: 561-868-3640 Please note: Due to Florida’s broad open records law, most written communication to or from College employees is public record, available to the public and the media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure. |