How do I nest the toolbar into the

Hello, this is the first time I'm posting to a mailing list. 
(so please tell me if I'm at the wrong place here)

I have a combined problem with the toolbar window in Dia. 

1. It's floating instead of being nested in the "workspace" window.
2. When I open Dia, by opening a saved Dia file, instead of opening Dia,
then opening a file, the toolbar window isn't "always on top" anymore.

For me everything is solved if I can combine the 2 windows, (is this
even possible at the moment?) 
But for other people, issue number 2, can be a real pain. 

I would love to help out fixing these issues, but I havn't contributed
to an open source project before, I know Git, a little C/C++ and Java.

Best regards:
Jonas H

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