Re: Everyone keeps asking about electrical schematic creation...

Hi Martin,

Those do look interesting.  You are right that it is a captive program to a commercial entity. It is very easy and that impressed me.

Being that I am not a professional in electronics, a duffer you could say, but also a happy customer of Digikey, I like the close connection to Digikey's catalog. I probably buy 95% of my electronic components from them,  SchemeIt will let me make nice schematic and a screen dump for documentation, a bonus is the addition of PN right from their catalog and an easy BOM for reference.  
I will be checking out KiCad and gEDA though - thanks for the lead,


On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 5:41 AM, W. Martin Borgert <debacle debian org> wrote:
On 2014-10-02 17:32, Michael Ross wrote:
> I haven't used it much at all, but it is very easy,  what I have done.

I would not use it, but suggest KiCAD or gEDA instead:

Scheme-it is non-free software or a non-free service. They can
always switch it off or change in some way you don't like. You
don't have any control over the software or your schematics.

KiCAD is used in my company and I can recommend it. It has some
advantages over e.g. Eagle, but is probably not as professional
as e.g. Altium.

gEDA is used by many people, too, but I can't say how it
compares to KiCAD.
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