Re: Several object-types were named Dia - GS724T.

Greetings, Dave Rawding!

I get the following message after adding a shape, "Several object-types were
named Dia - GS724T". I have had the message before and been able to find the
duplication but this time I can only find one file called GS724T.shape 

How the FILE is named is irrelevant. It is a courteous to name the file as the
shape is named, but by no means a necessity.
What matters is the shape <name/> tag.

The software can obviously find a second version of the file.

So can you.

If I remove the copy that I can find then I don't get the message anymore
but I can still use the shape so it's obviously still there somewhere. 


Couldn't the error message tell me where the files are that it's complaining
about ? 

There's not many places, where Dia shapes are stored.
I know about two. Program installation directory and .dia directory in your

Also if I need to edit a shape that I have created by modifying it's text
file, I have to close Dia and open it again before the changes take effect.
Is there a way to refresh or purge the system to save re-opening it?

You can use other tools capable of displaying SVG to design your shape.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 31.05.2014, <23:38>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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