Custom shapes and subshapes

Hi all,

i am playing with custom shapes again. I am mostly success with this. I
have only one problem with subshapes, see below. First, while reading
the manual (,
i found two small problems:

1, in the 11.2. Shapes chapter in the connection points description is
not mentioned the man="yes" attribute description.

2, in 11.3.1. Style attribute chapter is not clean (for me), what
happens when i set some style property (eg. stroke or fill) with setting
this property via Properties dialog – it seems, that the dialog's value
are ignored int this case.

Now my subshape problem. I am preparing the shapes for drawing block
diagrams, where i need something as bus, ie. something ruder than line.
I prepared shapes with 1x1 cm default sice, which have borders and
background without problems. Then i want to create some corner and cross
shapes, to i can simple create connections, etc.

But, when i resized this cross, i see, that by resizing the shape, the
distance between borders are growing equally with resizing, but i want
to fixed distance from shape edges. It was no problem to create subshape
borders for this and problem was solved.

But my problem is about background (the cross filling). I am not able to
create entry, which will be properly resized between the fixed
positioned borders. It is possible, please? What i am doing wrong?

I attach example (drawn by hand) image, one is original size cross and
second is resized, where is possible to see, that background is growing
in bad manner and don't fill the place between borders.

Here is my "cross" shape (it is unfinished – one background rectangle is
not subshaped yet):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns="";
    <point x="5" y="5" main="yes" />
  <aspectratio type="range" min="1" max="3" />
    <svg:rect style="stroke: none;fill: none" x="0" y="0" width="30"
height="30" />
    <svg:rect style="stroke: none;fill: default" x="0" y="10" width="30"
height="10" />
        h_anchor="proportional" >
        <svg:rect style="stroke: none;fill: default" x="10" y="0" width="10"
height="30" />

        h_anchor="fixed.left" >
        <svg:path style="stroke: inverse" d="M 0,10 H 10 V 0"   />
        h_anchor="fixed.right" >
        <svg:path style="stroke: inverse" d="M 20,0 V 10 H 30"  />
        h_anchor="fixed.left" >
        <svg:path style="stroke: inverse" d="M 0,20 H 10 V 30"  />
        h_anchor="fixed.right" >
        <svg:path style="stroke: inverse" d="M 20,30 V 20 H 30" />


Attachment: cross_shape.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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