Re: vsd2svg - Batch file to process vsd files with several pages

Greetings, julien . guyonnet @ free . fr!


The following batch file may be made available on the page
It helps in processing vsd files with large number of pages

REM Name: vsdtosvg_all_slides.bat
REM Author: Julien GUYONNET, June 2013, julien dot guyonnet at
REM Usage: vsdtosvg_all_slides.bat input.vsd
REM Output: As many svg files as pages in input.vsd
REM Copyright: None

REM Set variables
SET Vsd2svgpath="D:\documents and Settings\SESA34631\Desktop\vsd2svg-0.0.3"

SET Vsd2svgpath=%~dp0

First, never quote variable values, second, why use hardcoded paths, if it's
way too easy to get what you want right from the system?

SET Inputfile=%~f1
SET Nbofpages=
SET i=
SET j=

REM Change working directory
cd /D %Vsd2svgpath%

What for? Especially "what for", since you CHDIR only to check if the program
is there?
Leave it alone.

REM Check if exe file is present
IF NOT EXIST "vsd2svg.exe" (

IF NOT EXIST "%Vsd2svgpath%/vsd2svg.exe" (

        ECHO ERROR 0: vsd2svg.exe is not in the current directory (%Vsd2svgpath%)
        GOTO :theend

REM Check an argument was given

Useless check, since you test for file existence afterward.

IF "%~f1"=="" (

IF "%~1"=="" (

    ECHO ERROR 1: No argument given
    GOTO :theend

REM Check if input file exists
IF NOT EXIST "%Inputfile%" (

IF NOT EXIST "%~1" (

        ECHO ERROR 2: The file %Inputfile% doesn't exist
        GOTO :theend

REM Find the number of pages
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in ('vsd2svg.exe "%Inputfile%"') do SET Nbofpages=%%i

FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in ('"%Vsd2svgpath%/vsd2svg.exe" "%~1"') do SET Nbofpages=%%i

REM Check if nb of page is valid in input file 
IF %Nbofpages% LSS 1 (
        ECHO ERROR 3: vsd2svg.exe less than 1 page in %Inputfile%
        GOTO :theend

REM Display the number of pages
ECHO Input file %Inputfile% has %Nbofpages% page(s).

Dumping unrequested shit on console is a bad habit.

REM Check if the ouput files are not already existing

This is hardly necessary.

FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,%Nbofpages%) DO (
        IF EXIST "%Inputfile%_Page_%%j.svg" (
                ECHO ERROR 4: %Inputfile%_Page_%%j.svg already exists
                GOTO :theend

REM process the files
FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,%Nbofpages%) DO (
        vsd2svg.exe "%Inputfile%" "%Inputfile%_Page_%%j.svg" %%j
        ECHO Page %%j of %Nbofpages%: %Inputfile%_Page_%%j.svg file created

REM Unset variables
SET Vsd2svgpath=
SET Inputfile=
SET Nbofpages=
SET i=
SET j=

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 28.06.2013, <14:36>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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