Re: BPMN shapes have disappeared from sheet

Hello Huub,

On 05/30/2012 05:26 PM, Huub van Niekerk wrote:
I have been using the BPMN sheet and tried to add 2 custom shapes to the
sheet. However, after restarting Dia, I find that all BPMN shapes have
gone. Sheets like UML are fine, so only BPMN seems corrupted. How can I
restore the sheet?
1. Find your ".dia" folder (note the "." in front)
I should be located in  in your home directory. That file would be:

    C:\Documents and Settings\yourlogin\.dia on Windows prior to Vista, or

    C:\Users\yourlogin\.dia on Windows Vista and newer, or

    ~/.dia on *nix systems like Linux.

Inside this folder you'll find a "sheets" folder and that should contain your corrupted BPMN.sheet

2. Delete the corrupted *.sheet file

3. Restart Dia

Please let us know if this helped.



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