Re: png exported from command line has low density

Greetings, shiraz hashim!

When I use dia gui to export a diagram in png (pixbuf) format, I get following

$ identify -verbose ex.png | egrep -i "resol|geom|pri"
  Geometry: 306x346+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 4.25x4.80556

but when I export the same diagram from command line, as following

$ dia -t png -e ex.png ex.dia

I get,

$ identify -verbose ex.png | egrep -i "resol|geom|pri"
 Geometry: 304x344+0+0
  Resolution: 20x20
  Print size: 15.2x17.2

Why the Resolution (density) is low  using command line ?

P.S. I have selected pixbuf png as the preference for png format.

This could happen, if Dia is using different export filter from command line,
than one you're using from UI.

Also, please don't multipost.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 04.03.2012, <04:08>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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