Re: Dia webpage, Firefox, and embedded SVG

Chromium browser in Linux supports this so I guess Google Chrome will as well.

At 17.06.2012 18:18, Javier Mora wrote:
So I was browsing and got a
message about a "missing (SVG) plugin":
so I had a look at the page source code:
in other words, trying to make the page compatible with an old, uncompliant
browser makes it fail with Firefox 11.
Sorry, the page is as old as the now uncompliant Firefox 1.5 version (IIRC). It was tested at that time and Firefox was the only brwoser with native SVG export.

To top this, I'm suggested to "change" to Firefox. Could someone please
> fix this?
Of course I could but I'm not sure if I will. Nowadays other browser (e.g. Safari) are able to render the page including the SVG - but Firefox is not anymore.

(Or is it just my browser, and the page works ok for someone else?)

I can reproduce the problem with FF 14.

P.S.2: Modern Firefoxes support embedding svg images as <img> tags (but old
ones don't).
Which might drop portability with other browsers. A better fix might be to just remove the

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

But this has to be tested against other now working brwosers, too.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
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