Re: Suggestions

Dr. Raymond,

If you have a penchant for circles (or any other default for a basic drawing tool) - double click on the ellipse icon and a property box will come up.   Set the aspect ratio to Circle and close it.  Now when call up this function it will always produce a circle.  This may be described in the manual, though if you ask on the mailing list you may get help (that is how I learned about it).

You have to understand that sheets of shapes are created by users and donated to the cause.   Likewise, additions such as a context menu function are created by users as well - working within the system (there is one, bugzilla, etc.).   You will have to make the case for it, and get the code right by the standards of the leading participants.  

If context menus had been a great need by many users, they would exist in Dia.  However much you are dependent on them, that seems not to have been matched by past Dia participants; that dependence is going to drive how much energy you can put towards creating them or persuading others to do it for you.

To engage in the persuasion, you might want to present examples in other software, be specific how you envision it in Dia, and so on.  Keeping in mind that everyone using Dia probably has learned Dia well, and made their peace with its function or left the fold.   You will need to be pretty good at the convincing, or do it yourself.  

Also, this is a totally volunteer effort so be nice.  Just saying, so you aren't surprised.

Welcome to open source software.

Good luck,


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Raymond Kennington <raymondwk optusnet com au> wrote:

I would really like circles instead of ellipses that I have to change the shape of every time.


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Michael E. Ross
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