Re: Suggestions

Hi Raymond,

This is an open source project.  Sheets of shapes are created by the people who want them the most.  They aren't prepared ahead of time.  You are the first person I have heard ask for these.

If you have an immediate need, you should undertake to learn how shapes are made and how to get them into your palettes.  It is vaguely possible you could contract with someone to make them for you - if you could provide adequate direction on what is needed.

Good luck,


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Raymond Kennington <raymondwk optusnet com au> wrote:
Context Menu
    Enter Text Edit Mode

    Selected Symbols Properties: Set size
    e.g. selected ellipses to be circles of the same size

Required: a symbol page for Yourdon's Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).



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