Suggestions: Always use closest connectionpoint and custom paper sizes


would it be possible to include a mode in Dia where the closest
connectionpoint or handle was always selected, regardless of distance?

Such a mode would, in my opinion, greatly simplify some editing task as
it would no longer be necessary to carefully position the mouse pointer
over each connectionpoint. Instead it would be enough to merely point
the mouse in the vicinity of each connectionpoint.

I have created a small patch [1] that adds this functionality when you press
the v button. It is quite ugly and has some warts (e.g., changing mode
even when editing text), but I hope that it shows the potential with
such a mode. Another feature which seems to be lacking is a custom paper
size. I started to add such a feature to the patch as well and got it
working well enough for my personal needs, but this part is even rougher
than the "force closest connectionpoint/handle" part.

Anyway, I made this video on youtube where I tried to show how the
patch simplifies some drawing tasks:



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