fail to save content

Good Afternoon Team, 

Great thanks for a comprehensive and fully compatible product. 
Using version 0.97.1 on MAC OS X I'm encountering a rather embarrassing dilemma and I'm sorry to trouble you with this; 

I fail to save the content of the diagrams hence when I open up my Dia document all that is left is the title, nothing to view.
I encounter no error msg or anomalies in the saving process, all follows the regular routine and I make sure to save the file as .dia.

After sweeping through the support forums, manuals and FAQ in detail I fail to find a solution to this, hence I suspect the source of the error is completely in my hands. 
Be much grateful if you can assist and I can fully facilitate your product and stop pulling my hair out of it's roots!

Great thanks in advance, 

Karin Helen Ruud
helenruud gmail com
M: 008615221869360
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