Re: Issues & requests - CTRL-mousewheel should move mouse pointer to the zoom origin

At 02.01.2011 05:48, dg1727 hushmail com wrote:

Presently (Dia 0.97.1), CTRL-MousewheelUp (zoom in) moves the
diagram with respect to the drawing window, so that the drawing
window ends up centered on the diagram point that the mouse pointer
was pointing at, but, unexpectedly, the mouse pointer does not move
with respect to the drawing window.  This means that (unless the
mouse pointer happened to be at the center of the drawing window)
the mouse pointer ends up pointing at a different place in the
diagram.  So multiple consecutive CTRL-MousewheelUp usually cause
the diagram to scroll off to the side – the user needs to move the
mouse after at least the first CTRL-MousewheelUp to prevent this.
So CTRL-MousewheelUp (and I think also CTRL-MousewheelDown) should
be modified to move the mouse pointer to the zoom origin (the
center of the drawing window).

I think this is alreayd addressed by the following commit:

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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