Re: Question: shape to png ?

Hi Harald,

On 02/16/2011 05:20 PM, Harald Schioeberg wrote:
is there an automated way of producing the icons (.png) from a folder of
Dia shapes do not contain icons, they just reference icons. So
you should have your icons right next to the shapes. Not
that not all Dia objects are shapes - so there's an exception to that rule.
If the convention xyz.png belongs to xyz.shape does not hold true in your
case, please look into your shape files: <icon></icon> encapsulates your icon name.
This was "the first scenario".

I could also image a second scenario: You've created some shapes on your own
(or obtained shapes without icons) and would like to generate icons from the shape itself (like Dia does when you export a drawing as a shape). I'm not aware of any tool that would do this, but it should be possible to generate 1-shape-diagrams and export them as PNGs.

Is your question answered? If not, are you dealing with the first or second scenario?



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