Re: Page Breaks - what are they for?

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:13:01AM -0500, Michael Ross wrote:
   If you want all your Dia to be on one page then just work within the page
   It won't matter if a particular page has 0:0 at a corner or not.  

My diagrams are unlikely to be printed, they're for reference on the
computer (possibly via web pages, possibly just using dia).  Thus
whether a diagram is "on one page" doesn't matter to me at all.

However having the origin of the rulers at the top left *is* important
because I sometimes want to place things at exact distances from the

For example (along with my circuit diagrams) I have a layout of the
instrument panel, I want to place holes for instruments, switches, etc.
at specific places (like say 1/3 and 2/3 of the way across).  If the
rulers are set so that the top left is 0:0 this is *much* easier to do

Actually it might be even more convenient to be able to set 0:0 to be the
*centre* of an object now I think about it.  That would be ideal for
laying out the instrument panel.

Chris Green

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