Re: Page Breaks - what are they for?

Chris G (2010-12-29 14:17):
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 02:00:26PM +0100, Maciej Jaros wrote:
Chris G (2010-12-29 13:08):
I'm confused (no change there then!) about what the 'Page Break'
markings do for me.

It took me a while to realise that the solid blue lines *were* the Page
Breaks and that I could remove them using the Preferences settings.
That's good as I find them distracting because they sit very close
to some of the major grid lines on my system.

However I also don't understand what they're for, they don't appear to
indicate actual paper size blocks on the diagram, on my system they seem
to be just over 15cm wide (hence the blue line is very close to the 15cm
grid line) and 24cm high.  The default paper size on my system is A4 so
those dimensions are nothing like the paper size.
Page Break lines indicate where will the page end if you will print
your diagram. You can change settings in Page Setup.

Yes, but that's the issue/problem.  In Page Setup it says I'm using A4
paper which is 21cm x 29.7cm but the page breaks are marked on my
diagram at 15cm x 24cm.  The margins aren't *that* wide!  :-)

Sorry, but I would suggest you use a calculator.

Final question - is it possible to reset the top left corner of a
diagram to 0:0 on the rulers?
It's not possible to align elements relative to pages in Dia. If you
really want to you can make a group of elements to be aligned, place
another element in 0:0 and then select the element and the group and
align to left and to top... But you'll probably just want to select
everything and move it.

Or you can use Page Setup and select "Fit to", but it will not move
your elements it will move page breaks (meaning your diagram, when
printed, should start from upper left corner of the page).

OK, thanks, it wasn't a big problem anyway.

I just happened to move something off the the left (so the top left of
the diagram became (say) -25:0 and wanted a way to get it back to 0:0
when I brought the element back.  I've found that if I exit and restart
dia then it does get back to 0:0.

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