Re: Adding a Minus-Sign to an Arrowhead

Hi Steffen, Hi Hans,

* Take a box
* Make the box match the background color

Yes, but how to get rid of its border? (I use for example "perfect sqare")

* Make the box small
* Snap text, arrow and box
 * Move the box around

Grouping text and box might also be interesting, because it prevents
accidential box resizes.
Sounds complicated? You'll find that this solution will give you much
more fine-grained
layout control than a simple solution.

Ok, this sounds god. So I let my text snap to a box, which itself will snap to the arrow heads.

If that doesn't work: A minus sign should be the simplest shape one can

Absolutely right. I guess, this is what I am going to to.

Hans Breuer wrote:
You can connect text to a line, but only add connections points.
To have it near the arrow you probably need to add some connectecion
points to the line first (with the object context menu).

Hm. Yes, this works. But unfortunately not with zigzag-line.

Another way could be dedicated lines e.g. from the UML sheet,
but than you are restrcted to a small set of predefined arrows.
See UML Aggregation for an example.

Which lines would that be from the UML-Sheet? I could not find out.

Thank you very much

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