Re: Bugs #570592 and #591302

At 14.11.2009 18:25, Steffen Macke wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. Bart.S!

I'm currently trying to overcome the problem.

Hans: Do you think it's feasible to alter process_opts() in such a way that if
  G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR fails and g_get_charset() reports non-UTF8,
we try to recode to UTF8 and run  G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR again?
I don't think this hack should be necessary. If I understood the g_option code correctly, there is just some g_filename_to_utf8() missing.

I've tested both with the regular XP cmd.exe, löäö.dia as well as the Unicode
version cmd /u and löäöä.dia
If this approach is fine with you, I could provide a patch for it.

AFAIK the environment is in the locale encoding and so we can just always convert filenames to GLib's filename encoding. It would be interesting what happens with filenames not represantable in the locale encoding, e.g. using a Japanese filename on a German NT.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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