Re: How to customize Dia from source?

Sure. Here is a page about Scicos(graphically it's the same with Simulink).

And it's easy to understand this question by those pictures I think :)


Lars Clausen åé:

On Mar 12, 2009, at 8:56 AM, Meng Sun wrote:

Hi all,

How can I develop Dia from source in order to provide an GUI Block
Diagram interface for GNU Octave, just like Simulink?
So what's the starting point?

I'm not familiar with either program, but my guess is you want to make a new set of objects (if you can't find the objects you want in other sheets) -- that is, a new directory in the objects directory. Then you'd want something to output to Octave, probably an export plug-in or possibly a plugin that can communicate with Octave. The latter hasn't been tried before, but should be doable. Could you make a mock-up of how you'd like it to look and work?


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