error list not cleared

I think there are 2 problems with my new v.97:

1. One of my BezierLines endpoint won't stay connected
2. if I close/open the file, without chaning anything, the error list grows.

"Error loading diagram.
connection point 8 does not exist on 'Standard - BezierLine'."

One of my BezierLines became disconnected from its object (which was
on another layer, but other curvs connected to objects on other layers
are ok, so... um...)  I deleted the curve, added it again, connected
the end points, saved, closed, exit dia,  opened, and get the same

in investigating this, I did noticed that if I jsut close the file and
reopen with Ctrl 1, each time I get a new err, like after 5 times:

Error loading diagram.
connection point 8 does not exist on 'Standard - BezierLine'.Error
loading diagram.
connection point 8 does not exist on 'Standard - BezierLine'.Error
loading diagram.
connection point 7 does not exist on 'Standard - BezierLine'.Error
loading diagram.
connection point 8 does not exist on 'UML - Activity'.Error loading diagram.
connection point 8 does not exist on 'Standard - BezierLine'.

Carl K

Attachment: dvswitch-suite.dia
Description: application/dia-diagram

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