Workspace template

Hi, All!
I using Dia to create SADT/IDEF0 diagrams. But it has no workspace template e.g. like BPWin or Aris.
It's very useful for me.
I've made an .svg template (using Draw 3.1) but don't know how include it in Dia?
Can you help me with it, please?
If it will be useful for Dia project and all of you, I'd like to include it in Dia distributive, or
shape repository.

P.S. template is in attachment.

Sincerely yours,
Roman Sotnikov
Project Manager
OJSC "Sibirenergo-Billing"
icq: 167-483-123
mobile: +7-961-227-6747


PNG image

Attachment: IEDF0_Template.odg
Description: application/

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