Re: Newer python for plugin question

At 17.07.2009 09:16, leledumbo wrote:
I already know why Dia sticks with python 2.3 for plugins due to msvcrtXX.dll
issue. But I wonder why GIMP can do the same with newer python versions?
Does Dia uses different plugin mechanism from GIMP?
Yes. Dia's plug-ins all run in-process, so it embedds Python.

Can't the idea be stolen from them?
No. GIMP plug-ins are running out-of-process. And the PyGimp scripts are all running in there own Python process.

There is a lot more information already available on the Dia mailing list. Please use the search facility at to find it.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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